EngiNova nominated at the innovation price EDF PULSE 2016 – Category “Industry of the Future”
Great surprise to see our company of engineering and innovation EngiNova nominated by EDF PULSE in the category of “Industry of the Future”. This fine initiative led by EDF makes it possible to identify and support innovative projects of small companies. We could receive this nice trophy in Marseille on December 12, 2016.
EngiNova has put forward an innovative “frugal” solution to deploy in the industry effective containment solutions that remain a niche market to date despite numerous industrial references. Technical and organizational advances now make it possible to identify this know-how as an innovation with a strong operational impact in the complex environments such as the nuclear sector but also in other demanding sectors:
demonstrated gains in terms of implementation effectiveness , cost of waste treatment and exposure limitation in sensitive areas.
The ability of powerful industries to associate themselves with the agility of small structures such as EngiNova is clearly becoming one of the keys to the great evolutions of tomorrow.